Find Student Housing Near Your School
Let our team erase the stress of student housing. We'll find a home for you through our network of trusted hosts and properties.
1. Select Your Matching Service
Select a RoomStay Matching Service based on your timeline and how quickly you need to find off-campus housing. → Get started
2. Complete Your Student Profile
3. We'll Find Your Next Home!
RoomStay Matching Service Options and Pricing
We carefully facilitate the matching arrangements between every student and their new home, with service options available based on each student's timeline and urgency to find housing.

Expedited Matching
14 days or less
Our team will find student housing for you in 14 days or less.

SRS Standard
30 days or less
Our team will find student housing for you in 30 days or less.
SRS Flexible
90 days or less
Our team will find student housing for you in 90 days or less.
*Depending on the matching service selected, our team will provide a room option within 14, 30 or 90 days of the matching fee payment. Matches needed any earlier may require an expedite fee (in addition to the original matching fee). We are unable to guarantee a match in less than 7 days.
Lock In Your Off-Campus Housing
RoomStay is simply a way for college students to find secure student housing—in a safe home or apartment, near their school—for a great price. StudentRoomStay has multiple properties in Santa Barbara, CA and connections with student housing properties across the USA.
Additionally, many of our trusted host families have an extra room to spare that they'd like to rent out to a local college student. Unlike homestay, the host takes a more hands-off approach and will not be closely involved with the student's life. Students will have more independence and a room to call their own.